Protocols on Covid-19 for Massage Therapists


The Educated Body, LLC – September 2020

With the ongoing pandemic, things are pretty tough these days. Everyone is feeling anxious and stressed. Prolonged stress can be so damaging to health and well-being. Therefore, it’s understandable that massage therapists are among those most concerned with getting back to work and helping their clients. Unfortunately, there is still much about COVID-19 that is up in the air. While we respect that the experts are doing their best to keep everyone safe based on the best information available, we can’t help but get a little impatient.

It is a known fact that both massage therapists and clients should be aware of the health risks of the close contact of massage therapy. According to the CDC, “COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period. Recent studies indicate that people who are infected but do not have symptoms likely also play a role in the spread of COVID-19.” Until this pandemic ends, we all have to live in the world as it is. With this in mind, Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) need to adhere to strict protocols on Covid-19 for massage therapists to minimize risk for themselves and their clients.

The following protocols on Covid-19 for massage therapists should be observed and followed at all times:

  1. Therapists should give their clients a list of protocols, including updated policies and procedures. It is very important for LMTs to be aware of the latest mandates and guidelines provided by their state. Understand that these supersede any personal preferences.
  2. Therapists should ask screening questions for Covid-19 and inform clients of potential risks. It is important to implement an enhanced intake process and consider pre-appointment communications to minimize contact during check-in and check-out and demonstrate your commitment to the health of your clients and yourself.
  3. Both therapist and clients should wear well-fitted masks at all times. It is also highly advisable to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in addition to masks, such as eye protection, gowns, hair coverings and face shields.
  4. Perform the massage in a well-ventilated space. If massage outdoors is not possible, we recommend using a HEPA filter system rated for twice your square footage with at least 5 clean air exchanges per hour. Two units are better than one.
  5. Therapists should wash their hands and forearms before and after sessions according to CDC guidelines. Handwashing is one of the best methods to protect yourself and your clients from getting sick.
  6. Therapists should take time disinfecting surfaces with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered disinfectants for Covid-19. Perform thorough cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing protocols in your massage room as well as any communal areas and of any objects clients touch. Consider the laundry policy for your clothes, linens, towels, and other washable objects.
  7. After each session, both massage therapists and clients should change clothes and shower.
  8. It is highly recommended for therapists to get tested for Covid-19 regularly.
  9. Evaluate your cancellation policy and protocols if a client shows signs of illness. The therapist SHOULD NOT CHARGE CLIENTS that cancel/postpone due to a Covid-19 exposure or flu-like symptoms.
  10. Therapists should properly explain to their clients the importance of all these protocols.

During these trying times, we don’t know for sure when things will go back to normal.

Each one of us has to exercise proper protocols on Covid-19 for massage therapists in the best ways possible. Always disinfect thoroughly before and after the session. And as much as possible, stay home. We at HealMatch encourage every massage therapist to use their best professional judgment about their ability to accept and care for clients in a way that follows their state, CDC and OSHA guidelines.

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The Educated Body

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